341: Why I think everyone should learn NLP? - Betsy Pake

341: Why I think everyone should learn NLP?


Today’s show is a really special one to me. In it I talk about why I think everyone should learn NLP. I explain to you WHAT it really is and WHY I think it’s important for the future our our world. (I know this sounds dramatic but I explain it all on the show today!)
I tell you a story about how I experienced limiting patterns recently and how you may notice some of those outcomes too. I describe what I think is different between going to a therapist and experiencing NLP and why I want everyone to learn this very important information.

I think all therapists should learn it!

I think all kids should be taught it in school!

I think everyone should learn this so they stop being so hard on themselves, learning to better communicators and DESIGN the life they want instead of settling for the default of our programming.

In this episode you will get clear on how your brain works and why. You’ll start to understand yourself better and you’ll begin to recognize that there are options in your world that you have been missing because your brain is deleting the options you’ve actually been searching for.

To get on my calendar go to Betsypake.com/letstalk or email us at betsy @betsypake.com


Welcome to the Art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big

Hello, everyone. Hi. Welcome to the show today. So last week, I talked about doing this week’s show specifically about why I think everybody should learn NLP, I’m gonna explain what I mean by that. But But that, but there is a very real reason why. And I really feel passionate about this. And I don’t think this is something that I’ve, I guess, like explained or talked about enough, which I don’t know why, I guess because I thought it was like, Well, this is what I think. But that’s what I do every week is tell you what I think I don’t know. But let me start with the story. Okay. So if you’ve been here a little while, you know, I had my nose surgery a few weeks ago, I’m really doing a lot better. But man, oh, man, it really took me out.

And we are also looking for a place to live. So if you’ve been here for a while, you might remember that I sold my house and I moved into an apartment inside Atlanta. So we wanted to move to the city and then figure out where we wanted to go. And I was calling this the bridge house. The bridge house. This bridge is so long. This is the longest bridge in the whole world. Because I thought we would be here like maybe a year, maybe not even. I remember originally I was like, Do we even want to sign a lease? Like what would it cost to break the lease? And now, two and a half years later, I’m like, Okay, it’s time, right? It’s time to go. And I really like where we live. And we realized if we’re going to be here in Atlanta, and we’re not moving to the beach right now, then we probably it is the fiscally responsible thing to purchase something plus, I’m kind of ready to like, get cozy. Do you know what I mean? You know how, how have you know you’re going to be leaving, even if like you don’t know, when you’re kind of like not really getting settled. And I guess I’m just ready to really get settled. And so we have a lot of stuff in storage. And I’m like, I want my stuff, you know. So we decided we were going to start looking for a place now. I gave notice on my apartment. So I’m recording this like

April 12.

And I have to be out of my apartment, May 15. Have I found a place to live? No. Have I put offers on places? Yes. And that hasn’t worked out because we got outbid. And so what I want to tell you is a story about me looking for a place. So when we decided to move into the city, I started getting a lot of clarity. Actually, I’m gonna pause for just one brief second, if you’ve been here for a long time, and you’re like, how come you’re not just moving to the beach. I want to just say something I want to move to the beach. There is no internal conflict for me about moving to the beach. I like things about the city. I like things about living in Atlanta. I also like things about living in the beach, just because I like two different things doesn’t mean there’s a conflict. There is no conflict. But I’m choosing not to go because my husband has career aspirations and he is an attorney who is licensed in the state of Georgia. So that is why I’m staying will I get a side piece in Florida at the beach a might like now that I’m kind of getting a plan now that I’m like, Okay, if we’re gonna be here, then I want to have a there too. So it’s not a forever but right now this is a choice. So I love you all so much. And I love I mean, I love that you’re rooting for me to get to the beach.

But it can be a little painful when you ask me how come you’re not at the beach? Why aren’t you moving to the beach? I because because it’s not fair of me to say to my husband, please abandon your career and all of the goals you have so that I can smell the sweet, sweet ocean. I mean, it’s not above me. I would ask him he just wouldn’t do it.

So anyway, so I am saying that. The second part is as we have lived in the city, we’ve gotten more clarity about where we would want to be in the city. And so for me

There is a point to this you guys, this is going to be about you in just a second. Okay? Okay, hang on. So for me, I have lived in the suburbs I have lived in a

like, neighborhood. I have lived like an HOA.

I have lived in a in a like enclave of homes that were, like, all kind of the same, like different exterior, but you know what I mean? Kind of the same. I loved that. And there was a time in my life where that’s what I where I wanted. I’m not saying that’s wrong, but that is not what I want. I don’t want that. I want to be in the city like deeper in the city, where I’m really close to like, the things I do in the city. I mean, I’m in the city now but I’m like kind of Buckhead area if you know anything about

Atlanta. But I want to be like, in like, a neighborhood called Kirkwood or Eastlake, like there’s these little neighborhoods that are much more like homes on a street with a sidewalk and trees and little shops and restaurants for that little neighborhood. Do you know what I’m talking about in a city? How there’s little enclaves of neighborhoods. That’s what I want.

And so when we were going around and looking for houses, we would go we picked out some you know, we were online, I mean, mind boggling amount of time online. And then we found some we wanted to go see and then we went to go see them with the realtor. And I would walk in and be like, Nope, this, isn’t it? Nope, I just know this, isn’t it? You know, you have a feeling. You have this feeling right. And then we got anyone and I was like this is it. Like this feels so good. And the lady was like, Well, this is like a small neighborhood of all of a sudden, as she was talking, I was getting this awareness that I was in the city, but it was still like a little group of houses, like away from that neighborhood street thing that I was telling you about. And more like a little cul de sac of houses that were sort of all the same. There was no HOA I don’t know there was an HOA on that place. There was an HOA it was just there was no like swim tennis situation.

But but the the house was, like fairly new. Like it was the was the old house I had in the suburbs, it was just closer into the city. And it wasn’t what I was consciously choosing. But it was what felt right when I walked in. Now, why would that be? Because I have made a choice that I really like, like when I see those cool old homes that have been totally like updated, you know, new kitchen, I’d like a new kitchen. Don’t give me a 1950s tile bathroom. But you know what I’m saying like, the cool things about an old house that you can’t really get when you’re in like a neighborhood of newer homes. And

I had this awareness that I was choosing what was normal, like what was familiar to me, even though if you gave me a lineup,

I wouldn’t consciously pick it. But when I got in it, I went, Oh, this feels good. But it wasn’t that it felt good in alignment with what I consciously chose now. Now hang on with me here for a second. So it didn’t feel good. Based on me consciously choosing it felt good based on Oh, this is familiar.

Okay, so now, I want you to think about your life. And I want you to think about relationships. Right? Maybe it’s a relationship, maybe it’s a job, maybe it’s maybe it’s a house, maybe it’s something else. Friendships, right? Where you consciously say I am not dating that guy, again, like that kind of guy is not for me. And then you date different people, but the only kind that feels right? Is this one guy. And so you go out with that guy, and you go out with him go out with him. And all of a sudden you realize it’s the same. It’s the same thing. You’re getting the same thing that you had with the first relationship, just the guy’s name is different, right? But the situations are the same. Like the struggles you’re having are the same, right? He does the same kind of stuff. It’s the same kind of guy. And you’re like, why am I drawn to the same kind of guy? Or would the job I want to get promoted? I want to stand out. I want to I’m an entrepreneur and I want to show up bigger and I want to go big, right? I want to spread my message all over the world. But the moment that I go to try to make big leaps, it just doesn’t work.

feel right? It’s not the right time it doesn’t. Something isn’t clicking. It’s not like vibing with me like, I don’t want to partner with them, because that doesn’t feel good. Why doesn’t it feel good? Because it’s not familiar.

We go back, we go back, we will hang out, we will spend a lot of time in hell, we don’t like it, we don’t want it. It’s uncomfortable. This is not what we would consciously choose. But the street signs are familiar. And so we stay. And so we choose it again. And so we go, oh, well, I mean, it’s not that bad.

And so this is what I was finding with this house was that I consciously, I could point out, I could, I could draw you a picture, it would be a bad picture. But I could draw you a picture of what I want, I could tell you about how I want the kitchen to look and how I want all these different, I could tell you all of that. But when I would walk into those places, it just something didn’t feel good.

Now, it’s because my unconscious mind is always going to be searching for the familiar. And why does it do that? It does that because it’s number one job is to keep me safe, and to keep me alive. And the way it does that is by keeping me in the familiar. So

this is why I think everybody, everybody needs to learn

how to how to become friends with their unconscious mind, how to create from their unconscious mind how to have an understanding about what their unconscious mind really is, and what it does. And I think that the way that you do that is by having a manual by having a manual to the unconscious mind. And that is NLP that is learning Neuro Linguistic Programming. Now, I want to talk to you about what Neuro Linguistic Programming, I’m going to call it NLP and this what it actually is okay, because I think this is really confusing to people. So you probably get this, but let me just say this, neuro, it is your mind. It’s your mind, okay? It’s like, it’s not your brain. Sometimes I say brain science, it’s mind technology, it’s the way that you’re thinking. It’s not like, if I could open up my brain and look in it, I wouldn’t see what we’re talking about with NLP, right? Maybe if I had a brain scan, I could see what’s being lit up. But it’s not my brain, it’s my mind, right? It’s what my brain is doing. Okay, neuro linguistic. This is, like my words, right? So my mind and my body, the state that those are in, when I say states, like I’m in a happy state, I’m in a sad state, right? So my mind and my body, those states are revealed in our language. So language is a tool. And we can use that tool to share information. Now, the interesting thing I find is that most people are sharing information linguistically, without recognizing that they’re actually, like, I’m gonna say it this way, but they’re giving themselves away. There they are sharing, you might have a relationship with somebody and you’re like, they never like really open up to me, I promise you, they are telling you so many things in their language, the way that they’re saying their language.

I could dive into more about that. But we, we give ourselves away with our language, but we never get taught how to interpret that. We get taught about talking back and forth, we call it communication. But there is a much deeper level of communication, that that is missed.

Sometimes when I work with clients, especially when I work with them one on one, they’ll say it’s, it’s it’s like you read my mind. Like, what how do you do what is that? I think they think that maybe I have a little bit of a special thing. I don’t, I know, I know how to really understand what they’re saying. Because of all of these tools and ways that I know how to communicate and watch people with NLP. Now. I’m gonna say one more thing about that in just a second. Now programming when I get to programming, right, so programming is like, is basically we’re living on autopilot. My programming was that I felt familiar and comfortable in a certain kind of house. That was my programming. And so I will default to that programming. The moment I’m given a knock

portunity. And the moment that I am giving an opportunity is the moment that I’m not thinking about the specific things that I consciously chose about where I want to live, right? So I have this list of things, I walk into a house. And that list of things leaves my mind, because I’m soaking it all in, there’s so much new information, right?

So much new information that I’m trying to process all of that. And I, I can’t consciously handle all of that information. That’s fact I cannot consciously process everything that I’m experiencing in a new environment. And so I automatically default to my programming. And when I do that, whatever is in there, whatever is in that part of my unconscious mind is the thing that starts to just take over and it runs things for me, it’s a huge relief to have my unconscious mind running things for me, because then I don’t have to be thinking about it. Right, then it’s not like, we’d be so labor intensive to process everything. So you’ve heard me say this before, but we consciously can process about 5% of what we are experiencing. And that’s generous. I think that’s if you’re like, really self aware. But 5%, let’s say. So that means 95% of everything that I experience, how I view everything, how I’m triggered how I process, how I interpret is all programming.

Okay? It’s all programmed, like, we think we are in charge of our lives, but it’s all our programming, we need to be in charge of our programming. And then we will become in charge of our lives. So this is how come when we think about like things that have happened to us in our lives, and we look back and we’re like, Oh, my God, why did I do that? Like I wasn’t even thinking, because you just went on autopilot, right? You just let that go. And that’s really helpful. But we couldn’t possibly take in all the information. Now, I want you to think about what I just said, 5% of what we take in, we get consciously. Now when I say take in, I mean, I’m seeing things, I’m hearing things, I’m feeling things, right. So through my nervous system, okay. So if this is all like a new idea to you,

you are experiencing the world at a really fast rate, all these things are coming into your experience, and your brain cannot process all of that consciously. And so your unconscious mind, it, unloads it for you, right? So it’s like, give it to me, I’ll take care of it. And then your unconscious mind says I got it. And I’ll just sort through all this. And I’ll just give you the things that are important. You know, so don’t worry about it. I’ll give you the stuff that’s important. Well, the stuff that is important as it is sifting and sorting through all the information that’s coming to you is stuff that’s familiar. And it’s also stuff that you have placed a lot of importance on. So let’s say you’re really worried, right? I’ve heard about this recession, which by the way, I’m not participating in the recession, you don’t have to participate either just decide not to. So there’s this recession, you might be thinking about the recession, and then you’re like, Oh, my God, there’s a recession. And then it gets overwhelming. And then you’re like, I don’t know. And then your brain thinks, oh, that’s like, super important. She’s thinking about this thing, recession, whatever it is. But your unconscious mind doesn’t make a judgement just goes off. That’s super important. So let’s just show or more, like, just make that into our awareness. So then you’re walking down the street, and then you hear somebody out of earshot, say, the word recession, your unconscious minds like, Oh, let her hear that. Because I think that’s important. And all of a sudden, you’re like, Oh, my God, everybody’s talking about, I’m hearing it on the news. I’m hearing it on the radio, people everywhere people are talking about it. They’re not talking about it any more than they were probably two years ago, but you’re hearing it more. I know right off, you said they are talking about it more, because I’m hearing it more. I don’t know you decide. I don’t really hear anybody talk about it. But a couple of times I’ve heard it. I decided not to participate, just decide not to. So Neuro Linguistic Programming is how your mind works with the states of your mind and your body linguistically to reveal what your programming is. All right. I heard this thing the other day that said that in our lives right now. We are experiencing as many new things, new thoughts, their experiences, visions, hearing things like in our world being exposed to this many

Do things in one day that someone in Victorian times would experience in their lifetime.

Right? We make sense. We’ve got the internet, we’ve got all the social medias, we got all the things.

So now,

if that’s true, which that was a study,

if that’s true. And I think even if I don’t know the exact stats on it, it makes sense. It makes logical sense to me that that would be true, right? Then my brain is trying to adapt to something that’s really overstimulating and overwhelming, and then we go, Oh my God, why do I feel so stressed? Like, why do I feel so overwhelmed? Why can’t I hit my goals? Right? Why do I feel so conflicted? Why is it so hard for me to make decisions? Right? Why is my job things about my job so hard? Because you’re so overstimulated and, and, and, and you were never taught how to deal with those things, how to understand what the patterns and the programming was, that’s giving you the result that you have. And so you get this result that you have, and you think, Oh, my God, I suck. Right? Oh, my God, I’m screwing up. Oh, my God, I make the worst decisions. Oh, my God, I can’t figure this out. Oh, my God, I but, but

maybe it’s just that you were never taught. Now.

Now, let me tell you what NLP isn’t? Because you may have heard like NLP. It isn’t some weird brain manipulation. It’s not some weird, it’s, it is truly an understanding of how you can experience and understand your world. You may have heard some things about NLP, like every once in a while, I’ll hear somebody say like, people, you it’s people use it as a form of manipulation. I mean, you you can you can, you can use a lot of things as a form of manipulation. You can use food as a form of manipulation, you could use sex is a form of manipulation, manipulation, like you. It’s a, it’s a tool. And NLP actually just came from watching two really great therapists, and then putting what they were doing into a structure. That’s it. And probably some of the things that I’m going to explain to you, you might be like, Oh, that makes sense. To me, that feels familiar to me, you might even do it. I think, really great salespeople are really they do this naturally, which would make sense that it would be natural, because it came from naturally modeling and watching two really great therapists, one of those therapists was a woman named Virginia Satir. And she was a relationship therapist. And she was incredible at helping people communicate better. And she did things in a very specific way that helped people understand each other. So one partner would say, well, this thing is happening. And this is what I think and blah, blah, blah. And then she would take it, and she would translate it so that the other person, the other partner could understand it. She would put it in their words, right? How they would understand. And then that partner would give tell her something, she would translate it and put it into the other person’s words. So there was like this back and forth. And she did it so well. She had such incredible results, that the people that developed NLP

decided that they were going to study her, and they came up with something called the meta model. What it’s called, doesn’t matter, but it is the patterning the conversations that she would have the communication she would use. Okay. There’s also a guy named Milton Erickson, who was like one of the best hypnotherapists out there. He could hypnotize people and help them to do the things they wanted to do without them even really recognizing that they were hypnotized. And how did he do do that? Because he wasn’t putting them in a trance or having them follow a stopwatch or anything. He was using communication to shift how they were thinking. Now, he would go really big picture. So we’re Virginia Satir would ask really specific questions. He would get really general and that would make people open up and get new ideas and say maybe there’s another way I can do things. Like maybe this isn’t the only

thinking maybe there’s more, and they would start to expand. Now, when you do both of those things, when you do both those things, what’s your little sifter and sorter your unconscious mind going to do? It’s going to start sifting and sorting differently, it’s going to start giving your conscious mind different things, because it’s gonna say, oh, oh, wow, we just, we just got to expand it, we could add this in there, we can start showing her this. Well, let’s start giving her some ideas for this thing. So now all of a sudden, your experience starts to change. Now all the sudden, the thing that you thought was life starts to become different.

Right? And now as it becomes different, you have way more opportunities. And now you’re like, This feels kind of magical. Right? This is different. Okay. So we got that part, right. So that is what LP is. That is how it kind of came about. That is how it’s going to help you and your sifter and sorter Now here’s why. Here’s one other reason why I think this is so important. Because we’re never taught this information. We’re never taught that we actually have control over what we experience in the world. I know, we might be like, you know, think positive, and all that I get all that I get it. And that’s all great. It’s all great. But if I am just trying to think positive, and I haven’t changed fundamentally, the pattern, the moment I’m not consciously thinking about being positive, what’s going to happen, I’m going to go back to that pattern that 95% pattern is going to take over. I think of it like this,

if you came over to my house, my new house that I haven’t found yet, but I will.

And I and I said I have these amazing coffee beans that were roasted here in Atlanta and this small roaster, like down the street, I could walk to it. And I bought these beans and I’m I want to make you this coffee. And you were like, Oh, awesome. I love coffee. And so I grind the beans like you can start to smell it right. And then I get one of those fancy pour over things that I learned how to do once I moved into the house, and I poured over the coffee smelled so good. And I was like, let me get you a cup and I opened the dirty dishwasher and I grab a dirty mug with all kinds of creamer and crap stuck to it. And I put it down on the counter and I pour that coffee into it, what are you gonna do? You’re gonna be like, what, what, what are you doing? Like, it’s not gonna be the same. And so you’ve got to clean out the coffee mug, you can’t just put in new good stuff, without having the coffee mug cleaned out so that you have a vessel that’s ready to be repattern. So clearing out the patterns. So when I work with someone with NLP, that’s what my intention is it is to actually find the patterns, find the root of all of this, and lift it out so that then we can put in what it is that you want. Now, most of these patterns have been created when you were really young, they actually get created from above the time you’re zero to seven, you get more influences as you get older, but for the most part, the way your brain is behaving, from those early ages, zero to seven makes that become a really embedded pattern. And when that becomes really embedded, it basically becomes invisible to you. It becomes invisible to you. You don’t notice if you’ll notice it if like something really huge happens. Like I always say like you can create change when you go bankrupt, right? Because it’s so emotionally you can create change when you get divorced because so emotionally overpowering. You start you might start to look at stuff, right? You might even go to a therapist. So you might be wondering, like, well, how is this different than therapy? I love a good therapist. I love therapy. I send my daughter to therapy, if you’ve followed along at all, or you’ve heard that episode with my daughter that was like, I don’t know, maybe a year or so ago. I’m a big fan. And I I I mean like right now I don’t know if you can hear my voice like I would kill I would kill to have every therapist my daughter ever went to know NLP. Oh god, I just want them to know NLP because with their skills and knowing NLP, oh my god, the work could be so much faster. That’s the thing because you’re going

Right to the root,

you’re not like just thinking about all the things and there is value to understanding your patterns. And I think therapy is great for that. But God, I want to change the pattern. I mean, I don’t even really care if I understand the pattern, I don’t care, I don’t even care if I know how it got embedded. I don’t care if it’s something I saw my mom do, or my dad or I saw somebody fight or I don’t care, just change it, just change it. So therapy can really help you learn more about yourself. And I think that has tons of value. And with that kind of change, it can take a long time. There was

was it an article or something? Maybe maybe one of my trainers told me, but anyway, they were talking about therapy and about how they had a client that had gone through 15 years of therapy. And they said, Did it help? And they were like, Yes, I had this huge shift. And they said, Well, did you have a huge shift? Like when and they were like, like, right at like you’re 14 and a half, you know, like have this huge shift. And so they were like, Well, did the shift, like at your like, seven? Did you have a half a shift? We were like, no. Okay, so. So you had a shift, the shift was quick, the shift was fast. But what happened? And so I absolutely believe and I love therapists, like I said, I just want them all to be trained in NLP, I really, really do. And I think therapy can help you learn more about yourself. And when you do it that way, change can take a long time, the change ends up happening, like in an instant at your 15. But meanwhile, you’ve spent a lot of time being, like working on something that could be changed in an instant. Now, how, how can I even say this, if you’ve, if you’re new here, then you may not have heard my story. And if you’re old here, if you’ve been here a while you’ve heard my story. So I won’t go into all the bloody details of it. But let me say this, I am in my 50s when I was 16 years old, my mother died in a car accident. And it was shocking. And she was the mom that did everything. It was devastating. Very quickly after my father remarried to someone who I would consider now looking back very verbally abusive. And it really really caused me a lot of harm. And does she have her? Does she have her patterns? Does she have her healing, like all of that not saying anything about her the actions she took, I experienced as as troubling. And it caused me to develop a lot of patterns in my life that didn’t really serve the direction I was going. They were very protective patterns. They were patterns that kept me out of having close relationships with people. And once I became aware of that, because I didn’t know NLP and I hadn’t been on the path long enough to get a good experience. I was going through therapy. And all I was doing was rehashing that they did this to me. They did this, they did this, they did this, they did this. And then I got so tired of hating everything. I mean, I mean, by this point, I’m in my 30s y’all. Late 30s. I’m gonna say.

I mean, I am like, starting to meditate at this point. I’m like, I’m gonna meditate. I’m journaling. I’m starting this whole like, process, right? You guys know, you’ve been on the process for whatever your thing is. And then one day someone said, and I mean, I’m doing energy work at this point, like I’m doing all the things someone said, Have you ever done NLP? And I was like, Ah, I mean, I’d heard about NLP. When I was in college because I was a psychology major. And I met with somebody and in 45 minutes my whole life changed. My whole life changed

45 minutes I had spent 20 years 20 years and I’m talking like

you guys I’m talking like getting up in the middle of the night and thinking about it and then crying and being angry angry and I’m and I’m 40 years old. Do you know what I’m saying? Like

45 minutes and it changed my life. I was like, I have to know everything about what just happened. Like I need to know how you did this I need to know what you did I need to be able to do it for myself like it was so powerful. And so that’s how I really started my journey of really learning NLP now I have been to a lot of different places that taught NLP I went to I have heard NLP coaches.

I’ve been to multiple schools that taught NLP and then finally found one that really dived with me. And I went all the way through their trainers, so that I could become a trainer, because I want to train other people to do this. Because it’s that it changed my life. I don’t know why.

I know, I don’t

I think one of my patterns was sharing, but keeping myself small enough, that I didn’t have to be too far out of my comfort zone. I’m just coming into a greater awareness about how I do that. And I’ve grown a lot and changed a lot and experienced a lot of cool things. I’ve made a lot of cool things. And I’ve spoken all over the country. And I’ve had I mean, I’ve, I’ve helped hundreds of people and coaching clients and 1000s of people listen to the show, like, but but I’m not on Oprah’s couch.

Oh, no, no press couch, because I didn’t want to tell you

how bad it was, like how how bad it was, and like how low I was. And the only way for me to tell you about how much NLP changed my life is by telling you that I’ll tell you more about it as we go along. But I’m finally realizing that like my,

my capacity to change the trajectory of 1000s of people’s lives,

is in my hand. Because I can teach you how to do this. I can teach you how to do this with your kids. I can teach you, if you’re a therapist, please let me teach you. I can teach you if you’re a coach, and you want new skills. I can teach you I can make this so fun. And I can make this an experience where you transform, and you get everything that you need. I always say to my clients, it’s especially the students inside the institute, every time you show up, I will show up. Like if you need something and you reach out, I will show up. If you say I wish I knew how to create a

website, I will show up and I will show you what I know. Like i i will show up every time that you want to show up. So if you feel conflicted, you want to be able to make better decisions. You want to choose better partners, you want to understand why you choose the partner that you do. You want to know why you parent the way you do. And you want to have an awareness around what your other options are. You want to be able to understand why you picked the career that you have. Even if you don’t like your career. Right? If you feel like you are stuck.

If you wonder why do I do this, if you’ve ever heard yourself, say something like, well, that’s just how I am. Know it’s a choice. It’s an unconscious choice, but it is still a choice.

So I have the knowledge that can help change your life and I want to give it to you, I want you to have it, you will be way better communicator insanely better communicator, and you will not only that, but you will start to think differently. And now when you start to think differently, then your life will become different the options you have available to you the kind of people that you hang around with the things that are available to you, the way that you see opportunities or the way that you see things that are challenges, everything will become different.

So this is what I’m going to do. If you have a choice, like this might not be the time for you to learn it. You might be like this is super cool. And I’m glad Betsy is happy.

I will keep listening to her podcast. That’s totally cool. But you also have a choice. If you’re like, I’m not going to keep living my life like the way I am. I want to understand I want to learn the thing that I was never taught. And you know what I hope I hope somebody listens and somebody comes and takes this course with me. I’m going to tell you joins the Institute and then goes and figures out how to market it to corporations and

and schools. Please teach the kids do you know what I mean? Like that’s not my calling. But if somebody’s listening in that’s your calling. Please come and join me and let me teach this to you. So if you’re like I really want to do this, this is what I’m going to do.

I am going to start a group so you are going to go through the content inside the alchemy Institute. The Alchemy Institute is my program where I teach you NLP but it’s really more than that. You’re going to learn NLP, you’re going to change the way you think you’re also going to learn hypnotherapy because that is a huge part about the unconscious mind. You’re going to learn how to be an expert in the unknown

hunches mind, you’re going to learn, like really what that is and how it works. And you’re going to be able to understand like the structures, so that you’re not just regurgitating stuff, I’m saying you actually have conceptual knowledge of it. And you’re able to form your own ideas and ways of thinking about this stuff. So you are going to learn success coaching, which is just a great tool to learn, I use the skills that we teach in there to set my own goals. It’s really about working with the unconscious mind and setting goals that your unconscious likes. So you’re going to learn success coaching, you’re going to learn hypnotherapy, and then you’re going to learn NLP. So in there also, I teach you how to facilitate deep streaming, which if you get my text messages, those like little hints of my inner knower that I get, I teach you how to do that with clients. Now, you might never want to work with clients, that’s totally fine, you might find that you use it in your work in corporate America, because now you’re a way better communicator, because I’m teaching you hardcore communication skills that nobody teaches you.

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a group of you, if you would like to join me inside the alchemy Institute, I am going to do a monthly group for those people that are joining in this cohort. So if you want to join in this cohort, here’s how you do it is you can go to my website, Betsy pake.com/. Let’s talk book a time to get on my calendar where we can talk about it. If you’re just like, automatically, I know I’m in I’m cool. Then just go to my website, shoot me a message. I’ll give you the link to sign up. If you’re like this is it if you’re like, I don’t want to talk to you, but I want information, email me, I will give you the link. Okay. To find out more, I would tell you the link, but it’s too confusing. So just Betsy at Betsy pake.com. It’s so simple. So don’t if you’re having this intuition thing, if you’re having this moment, you’re like yeah, but then the fear part comes in I that’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. If even you make a decision based from that, as long as you know, that’s what you’re doing. But if you feel the calling, just get more information, I’m not going to hold you to it. And anybody that’s ever worked with me or asked me, you know, I’m not going to be hounding you, I just give it to you. And you can decide, you know, already, if this is like something you really want to do. Now, it’s not for tire kickers, right? It’s for people that are like I’m committed, I really want to figure this out. It’s a six month working with me in this capacity, I will teach you all this. Now, at the end of all of this are as you go along with all of this, you get certified to be board certified hypnotherapist board certified. So now, if you have a job, they might pay for it, that happens all the time and the Institute. Also, you might write it off, right, because it can help you no matter what your job is, this is going to help you. So this is for people that really want to take the information and use it either on yourself with your family in your work, maybe you want to become a coach, you will be have the capacity to be board certified. So I teach to the standards of a board. So the standards have been set by someplace else, I teach to those standards so that you are not just like it’s not, it’s not just like, Whoa, I want you to know this, like it’s, it’s stuff that standards from a board. When you sign up, you’ll get a bunch of stuff in the mail from you get manuals in the mail, like I send you stuff, like we’re really learning and there’s cool stuff here. And you’re gonna get a chance to practice and you’re gonna get this extra chance in this cohort to work with me in this small group. So here’s your opportunity. Shoot me an email Betsy at Betsy pake.com. Or go to Betsy pake.com/. Let’s talk that’s one word jump on my calendar. Or just DM me on any of the socials. Just get in touch with me and I will help you find out the next steps. Because this is how I think you really, really live a big life and I want you to do it. I want you to learn it. Do it with me. I’m ready. All right. All right, y’all. I love you so much. Fingers crossed. I find a place to live before I’m out in the street. And I will talk with you all soon. See you next week.

Hey, thanks so much for listening to today’s show. And thank you for sharing the show with your friends. I love when you guys do that. I appreciate it so much. And thank you for leaving me a review on iTunes. I know that it matters because when I go to find a podcast I always look to see what the reviews are. So it really means a lot to me that you take a minute to like figure out how to even make that happen. Now, if you want to find me find me on social media

I’m usually on Instagram, starting out on Tik Tok. It’s just my name. Betsy pake, and that’s my website to Betsy pake.com. And you can find out all about the work that I do having me speak for an event that you might be helping to plan or getting trained inside my alchemy Institute, but to make it really easy, if you want me just shoot me a DM, shoot me a direct message on Instagram and I will be at your service. Thanks again for listening. And I will see you all next week.


Meet Betsy!

I'm Betsy Pake!

*Ocean obsessed

*Probably hanging out with my dogs


*Deep thinker

Hey There!

About Betsy

Hi I’m Betsy and I’m a subconscious change expert.
By day you can find me digging deep into the unconscious beliefs and identity of my clients so they can move past self-sabotage and lack of confidence and gain traction in their career and life.